

Project: Just Like You is proud to present Ethan! This is his story.
Ethan is 6 years old and diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. With type 1 Diabetes, the body’s own immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas as if they were invading cells or viruses. This happens without symptoms or pain and is known as an autoimmune response. As a result, the pancreas makes little or no insulin, so the cells in the body don’t get fuel and cannot work the way they should. Over a period of months or years, the beta cells can stop working altogether. And when that happens, sugar builds up in the blood instead of being used as fuel. This can be harmful to the body in many ways and leads to the symptoms of diabetes. When you have type 1 diabetes, you must take insulin, by injection or pump, in order to survive.
According to his strong and caring mom, Jennifer, “Ethan enjoys playing soccer, swimming, fishing, and participating in activities with his cub scout troop. Ethan is such a kind, friendly soul. He wants to make everyone a friend, and sees the differences in people as blessings and gifts from God, not as anything to feel ashamed or embarrassed about. He is so incredibly brave, and both mentally and physically strong. He requires 4 shots daily, sometimes more depending on his blood sugar, and multiple blood glucose checks, which is done by pricking his fingers for a drop of blood; all of which he does without tears, protests, or complaints. He is my hero.”
Ethan, you are a hero and continue to make us all proud!

Ethan is #JustLikeYou

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